Sunday, October 24, 2010


We had two objectives in mind when we headed up to "The Hill" - to visit with our long-time friends, Mark and Pauline, and to look for obsidian.  We succeeded on both counts!  After coffee and bagels in downtown Los Alamos, we headed to North Mesa.  Pauline had packed some snacks and a lunch, so we headed up into the Jemez, through the burn area of 10 years ago, for an obsidian-hunting hike.  We noted some hunters, which made us a bit wary, but soon we happily learned that the season was muzzle-loading-only and that there were no deer to be found.  In fact, one hunter had given up on deer and was also off to hunt obsidian  The weather was wonderful, the conversations were great, the hike was invigorating, and we found a fair amount of shiny black volcanic glass.

The Rock Hounds

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